HNEE research associate Gulam Mohiuddin presented a poster on urban green infrastructure at Bophana Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. His presentations was held in the frame of the 2nd Build4People poster exhibition “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods”, that focused on best practice examples from Southeast Asia and from China. The exhibition kicked off on March 1st 2023.

The exhibition was curated by Build4People Work Package #3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” led by the team from Eble Messerschmidt Partner (EMP) with support from all other Work Packages. Furthermore, three posters of the exhibition introduce about the German Council for Sustainable Building (DGNB), Europe’s largest network of sustainable buildings. The member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Build4People project, Dr. Stephan Anders, took the opportunities to introduce about DGNB’s certification approaches to the audience.

The Build4people project is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research under the priority Sustainable Develoment in Urban region -SURE .