HNEE graduate Stuart Krause explored the question whether precision fight planning can improve photogrammetric data collection. His research for his M.Sc. degree in Forest information technology involved testing of four differing flight planning strategies. Variations are distinguished from nadir and oblique imagery as well as area coverage. 3D point clouds are created through the matching of features in multiple images – a triangulation process by means of photogrammetry software.

The four flight planning methodologies based on photogrammetric principles were calculated with the aim of assessing the causes of individual tree height inaccuracies while developing a method to reduce the occlusion of tree stems and the forest floor.

His research showed that excessive area coverage does not necessarily improve occlusion reduction nor photogrammetric tree height accuracy. Additionally, it was confirmed that oblique imagery can aid in the capture the forest floor as well as tree stems despite a dense forest canopy while maintain photogrammetric tree height accuracy.

The Master theses is available at research gate.


  • November 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23943.19366

  • Affiliation: HNEE – Forest Information Technology