The IT4forest team is a group of voluntarily cooperating scientists, lecturers and students. We are united by a common interest in forests and information technology. All of us work, research or teach at the faculty of Forest and Environment at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (German acronym HNEE). This webpage documents our personal efforts and the achievement of our students. It is not be understood as an official page of HNEE. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the It4Forest team.
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What we do
We live digitisation in forestry and eco-system management
Expertise and Experience
Life science
Joint expertise from ecology, agriculture, biology, geography and soil science generates our transdisciplinary outlook.
Statistics and data analytics
We generate insights by analysing big data, forming patterns and connection, trends and correlations.
We use geo-data for a better understanding and interpretation of human interaction with our eco-systems
The team
Jens Müller
Jens Müller is Professor for Environmental Big Data Analytics.
Ramazan Bülbül , concluded his Master on Forest Systems Transformation and is member of a junior research group.
Jan-Peter Mund
Jan-Peter Mund is Professor for GIS and Remote Sensing.
Evelyn Wallor
Evelyn Wallor is a scientist with focus on spatial analysis and modelling as well as soil and crop science.
Luis Miranda
Luis Miranda is Professor for Environmental Data Analysis and Programming.
Stefan Reder has a background on IT and a degree on ecosystem management.
Gulam Mohiuddin
Gulam Mohiuddin, scientific staff, focused on thermal remote sensing and urban green infrastructures.
Hainner Salamanca Aparicio
Hainner is scientific staff focused on remote sensing and environmental data analysis.
Nicole Albert
Nicole Albert is researcher and lecturer with focus on remote sensing
Kevin Beiler
Kevin Beiler ecologist, facilitates university networks on bioeconomy.
In our projects, we cooperate with diverse stakeholder holders, including other universities, research institutes, foundations and private sector organisations. We would like to thank all our partners for collborating with us.