TreeDigitalTwins aims at innovation in AI-based methods for the analysis of 4D point clouds by establishing an interdisciplinary innovation group of young scientists in combination with a regional practitioner network.
The research of the innovation group will academically qualify young scientists for the necessary transformation processes and methodological developments currently taking place in forestry due to the increasing use of AI and machine learning processes. The link between the latest IT developments and the application of IT in forestry is a transdisciplinary aspect of the project.
The project implements methodical life laboratories in the Berlin-Brandenburg region on the topic: 4D point clouds and AI-based methods for the creation of digital twins of vegetation stands for use in the integrative management of forests. The scientists develop concrete solution concepts that offer significant added value and are scalable (e.g. from individual tree objects to inventory analyses to nationwide carbon monitoring or the digital description of tree objects in the environmental sector). The project aims at developing an IT platform (Software-as-a-Service) for collecting, managing, segmenting.