For many years, biomass in the form of wood chips has been increasingly used to generate energy from renewable raw materials. Accurate volume determination of the delivered biomass quantities is a fundamental necessity for planning for planning, logistics and inventory. However, the determination of the  exact volume used to be a challenge.

In his bachelor thesis, Nikolas Katz, in 2017, developed a methods to determine bulk materials – here wood chips – by using UAVs.

Determination of volume through the analysis of UAV images

The measurement and volume calculation of hollow and solid forms (such as bulk material/chippings heaps) by means of stereophotogrammetry based on the basis of close-range aerial images, collected with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) was demonstrated in a Nikolas Katz’s thesis.

According to the thesis’s the calculation of the volume of a 3D object is basically divided into four steps:

  1. creation of an automatic flight plan and virtual aerial map with at least 80 % image overlap in both flight directions
  2. creation of images of the object under investigation from different angles;
  3. processing of the images to 3D point clouds with “structure for motion” algorithms;
  4. volume computation from the point cloud.

The method presented in the bachelor theis  for calculating the volume of larger bulk material heaps is based on a photogram-metric method using UAV close-up aerial images. The inner and outer orientation values of the RGB aerial mosaics are calculated directly with the help of a 3D image vector by linking homologous pixels in each image. The actual measurement of the 3D-objects or volumes is contactless and can be carried out within a very short period of time without any major technical effort on the basis of the following parameters of a systematic and automatic drone flight on site.

The thesis compared the measurements on the 1 m3 cube and a 1,700 m3 wood chip cluster. The research yielded similarly results: the error of volume determination in the cube was about 1 % and only slightly higher in the test measurements on the large cluster (Fig. 6) with only 1.3 %. Comparative measurements at the reference cluster (Figs. 2 and 3) also showed very low error values with deviations between 1 to 3 % from the real total volume. Overall, this represents a significant improvement in accuracy compared to conventional measurement methods.

Get more details in AFZ-DerWald 22/2017: “Hackschnitzelhaufen mit Drohnentechnik vermessen” (in German only)